The compulsive thinker, everyone of us, lives in an insanely complex world of problems and conflict. The
voice of our mind is constantly commenting, speculating, judging, comparing and complaining. The
practice of being 100% present in the Now is the only way to control the compulsion which drives our
compulsions. Objectively watching the thoughts allows us the objectivity to ask is this real? Do I really
need this drink, this food, this person, this anything? There is no longer boredom or nervousness. Those
do not exist in the Now; Only in the mind.
When I practice Bikram Yoga, the heat and stress of the class provide the ultimate laboratory to watch my thoughts and sort the mind tricks of perceived pain from actual pain. That is an example of a moving meditation. Yoga as a metaphor for life: It never gets easier, we just get stronger. We are always moving, so we can begin to apply beyond yoga class. Applying presence, the power of Now, during the intensity of a Bikram class has become a key activator of my ability to witness my thoughts, become objective to them in the moment and take the practice into everyday life. Does this really hurt or am I fine? 99% of the time, on closer examination, I am fine.